Thursday, July 4, 2019

Character Strengths and Weaknesses (MEGAPOST) - LAST UPDATED: Jun. 02/2020

What is this? Well, it's going to be a sort of a one-stop shop for people looking to find the Strengths and Weaknesses of characters. If you'd like to know why they have these strengths or how to beat them, each section will have a link to their full writeup.

Table of Contents: (use ctrl-f to search the initials in the brackets)

1. Peach [P1]
    a. Strengths [P2]
    b. Weaknesses [P3]
2. Wolf [W1]
   a. Strengths [W2]
   b. Weaknesses [W3]
3. Olimar [O1]
   a. Strengths [O2]
   b. Weaknesses [O3]
4. Pichu [P4]
    a. Strengths [P5]
    b. Weaknesses [P6]
5. Snake [S1]
    a. Strengths [S2]
    b. Weaknesses [S3]
6. Palutena [P7]
    a. Strengths [P8]
    b. Weaknesses [P9]
7. Joker [J1]
    a. Strengths [J2]
    b. Weaknesses [J3]
8. Sonic [S4]
    a. Strengths [S5]
    b. Weaknesses [S6]
9. Pikachu [P10]
    a. Strengths [P11]
    b. Weaknesses [P12]

Peach [P1] -

a. Strengths [P2]

1. Hard To Combo
2. Strong Edgeguarding
3. High Damage Combos
4. One Of The Best Projectiles
5. Strong Pressure
6. Kill Power 
7. Recovery

b. Weaknesses [P3]

1. Dies Early
2. Technical Barrier

Wolf [W1] -

a. Strengths [W2]

1. Safe Moves
2. Oppressive Neutral 
3. Amazing Ledgetrapping
4. Consistent Punish Game

b. Weaknesses [W3]

1. Mediocre and Exploitable Recovery
2. Mediocre Offstage
3. Combo Food

Olimar [O1] -

a. Strengths [O2]

1. Oppressive Neutral and Pace Control
2. Shifting Playstyle
3. Fantastic Punish Game

b. Weaknesses [O3]

1. Bad Disadvantaged State
2. Large/Invisible Hurtbox 

Pichu [P4] -

a. Strengths [P5]

1. Small Hurtbox
2. Intricate and Effective Punish Game
3. Thunder Jolt Approaches
4. Recovery

b. Weaknesses [P6]

1. Lightweight
2. Lack of Range

Snake [S1] -

a. Strengths [S2]

1. Pace Control
2. Oppressive Defense in Neutral
3. Unorthodox Recovery
4. Safe Edgeguarding

b. Weaknesses [S3]

1. Weak Approach Game
2. Disadvantage State

a. Strengths [P8]

1. Footsies
2. Advantage State
3. Safety and Consistency
4. High Damage Combos

b. Weaknesses [P9]

1. Poor Get Off Me and OOS Options
2. Poor Ground Game
3. Small Characters

a. Strengths [J2]

1. Combo Game
2. Edgeguarding
3. Versatile Kit/Playstyle
4. Arsene

b. Weaknesses [J3]

1. Struggles to Kill At Points
2. Trouble with low-profiles/small characters
3. Poor OOS options

a. Strengths [S5]

1. Unreactable Burst
2. Incredible Speed All Around

b. Weaknesses [S6]

1. Range
2. Poor Unique Approach Options

Pikachu [P10] -

a. Strengths [P11]

1. Next to No Disadvantaged State
2. Nearly Unedgeguardable
3. Small Stature + Pancaking
4. Combos At Nearly Any %
5. TJolt Approaches
6. Edgeguarding Game

b. Weaknesses [P12]

1. Weight
2. Range